domingo, 8 de março de 2015

The Field of Intention

Always There
Intention, as Wayne Dyer explains the term, is an infinite field of energy and potential that animates life and is the source for all life.  Its explanation ties to what we know about quantum physics.  Many folks would just call it God.
Dyer further explains:
  • We are connected to this field of energy. 
  • The more in harmony you are with this field of intention, the more you are able to do all that the field of intention can do: heal, attract, and find.
  • People in harmony with this field are especially concerned with cleansing the link to it which may be compromised  by the numbing effects brought about by all the concerns of living at ordinary levels of consciousness. 
Dyer quotes Nobel-prize winning scientist Max Planck, whose work explored the nature of atoms: "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter . . . . [Planck said]: 'There is no matter as such.  All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force that brings the particle of the atom to vibration and holds the most minute solar system of the atom together.  We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious, intelligent mind.  This mind is the matrix of all matter.'"

Dyer asks us to consider the origins of life, first beginning with the "dot" of protoplasm represented by either the egg or the sperm.  That dot consists of molecules, which in turn consists of atoms.  Look into one atom and you find the electron, neutron, and proton and a lot of empty space.  Put that atom into an accelerator, bomb it with other particles, and out comes leptons, quarks, photons, and gluons.  Pull the smallest components apart and eventually you get to nothing . . . and everything.

Recently, the universe made the headlines.  A couple of scientists offered a new hypothesis, suggesting that the universe has always existed.  No big bang needed.  I find this idea especially comforting.  We are bathed in the universe and it has always existed.

Dyer takes it further.  He says:
  • Everything in this universe was intended, including you.
  • What am I?  A piece of divine force disguised as a human being.
The inspirational phrases I've collected on intention follow:
  • The seven faces of intention are: creative, kind, loving, beautiful, expanding, abundant, and receptive.
  • Choose to be in close proximity to people who are empowering, who appeal to your sense of connection, to intention, who see the greatness in you, and feel connected to the universe.
  • Live under the assumption that your intention has already happened.
  • Intentions that are focused through an integrated whole personality are like a laser -- a single, clear beam.
  • He knew the truth of who he was, which made his mind a veritable laser.
  • Launch a rocket of desire! Then give it attention to add mass.
  • Trust the love that can be translated into action.  (Geeneen Roth)
  • Whatever I focus on expands. 

terça-feira, 3 de março de 2015

Vibrations of Energy in the Field of Intention

Alignment with Source and Spirit

Yesterday, I started a series of posts focused on the inspirational phrases I've collected over the last three years.  Today, I want to share the phrases about "energy."
For these purposes, I think of "energy" in very broad terms.  It covers the energy used to take divine inspiration, through thinking about the idea, to voicing and discussing it, to generating even more passion about it, and then to exerting your own will to bring the idea into being. It also covers the energy required to connect with others to manifest the idea in tangible form and action. 

That energy, in turn, connects with the broader energy of the environment in which you live. It also connects to the energy of the earth, the planetary system, deep space, and ultimately to the source of everything we experience in the material world.  
Yes, I know I had you there for a while until I took that turn to woo-woo. Hang in there.
So here are the inspirational phrases that elaborate on these themes:
  • There are really no "objects" [in the world] at all, only vibrations of energy and relationships.
  • Use my energy to become the most fantastic, the most joyful, wondrous, beautiful, tender human being possible.
  • Play and have fun. It's the ultimate energy generator.
  • Make a decision in love and joy.  Avoid the energy of regret.
  • Influence how energy flows through me every day.
  • Just let the extremes go.  Don't feed them any energy.
  • Low energy that weakens us arises from shame, anger, hatred, judgment, and fear.
Tomorrow, I'll talk about "intention." 

    segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2015

    Pushing for Wholeness

    May the Force
    Be with You

    I'm in a very reflective stage right now.  Perhaps the transition to spring reminds me of the path of growth I have walked the last three years. 

    As part of that process, I wrote phrases that inspired me on index cards.  First, I tacked the cards to my bedroom wall so I could see them throughout the day.  Later, I tucked them into an envelope.  This week-end, I read through them and decided to share them with you over the next several posts.

    Prayers to the Universe

    This post takes the broadest view as seen through my collection of phrases.  It talks in terms of the universe, the energetic field, or the force field, but many people would choose instead to talk about God.  I've included the source of the phrase, if I captured it on the card.
    • The force field constantly pushes for wholeness.
    • The universe is limitless, abundant, and strangely accommodating.
    • Absolutely anything is possible!
    • Trust the field of infinite possibilities.
    • You have to open yourself to an identity with that part of the universe that you already possess, but which you may not have been conscious of.  Proof of Heaven
    • The force field is the ceaseless desire of the spirit in me to become all I am capable of being.
    • Find those people in whom spirit has found celebration through them.
    • By changing what I am looking for, I can radically change what shows up in my world.
    • Consciousness itself creates the material world.
    • To ask for something in prayer is simply to lay hold of what's yours.  You have the responsibility to command your life.
    • We draw from the field what we are looking for.  Expect the best!
    Yes, I know.  Very woo-woo. 

    But another card provided clear acknowledgement of these concepts.  It reads:  "I attracted this job, this boss, this house, this car, this garden, these friends, this debt, these skills, these animals, these clothes, this fitness level, this food, this music, this help, and this family."

    So, true.  So, what do I want to attract next?  More about that in the later posts.  

    domingo, 1 de março de 2015

    Lawyers as Bloggers

    In for a Penny, In for a Pound

    In March 2013, I posted my first post on this blog.  After several months of business coaching with Christine Kane and exposure to the concept of "content marketing," I wanted to explore the platform and its uses. I wanted to run an experiment. 

    How long would it take the Google bots to find me?  I'd been told it would take a year of daily blogging.  So, I committed to that publication schedule.  In 2013, I made 182 posts over a ten month period.  Not exactly every day, but just about 20 posts a month or 4.5 posts a week. 

    In the process, I regained the voice I had had as a columnist for the magazine published for members of the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (BAMSL).  The coverage is eclectic, but then I promised broader coverage in my description of the blog:  "Discussing new ways to meet the needs of law firm clients, mediation parties, negotiators, and law students."

    Two years later, I have published almost 300 posts. 

    Last month, my webhost sent me a message letting me know that my URL domain name and hosting fees will come due soon and be automatically renewed.  That message makes me pause to consider whether investing in the blog makes sense.  The answer continues to be "yes." 

    In a few weeks, I'll pass 75,000 pages views, most of which are bots.  So, the experiment worked.  Google the words "The Red Velvet Lawyer," and the top six search results will refer to the blog.  Google the words "Paula Marie Young," and the first three search pages feature mostly me.  Those searches also reflect my commitment to social media. 

    A blog, however, reminds me of the scene in the film, Little Shop of Horrors, when the alien plant demands: "Feed me!"  

    Several times a week, I scroll down my own blog roll looking for new posts from other bloggers.  Today, I cleaned out any bloggers who were not posting on at least a 3-month basis.  Yes, it is a commitment, but it is an important way to contribute, educate, share, and grow.  Bloggers who post valuable content on a regular basis deserve the attention they garner.  They distinguish themselves from other folks in the market through their tenacity.  And, for lawyer-bloggers, their blogs can help ideal clients find them and pre-qualify for offered services.

    Finally, the blog implements two coaching lessons I've applied for a very long time:  "Don't be afraid to be seen" and "do it imperfectly."  Both lessons lead to greater success.
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