quarta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2017

Charity Groups Supporting Gun Law Reform

Have we Reached the Tipping Point?

After the Vegas shooting, I decided to research the charity groups working to reform gun laws.  Time passed.  I got busy.  My attention was drawn to other news.

Sadly, this week in a Texas church, we had the second deadliest shooting this year.  Gun law reform is back in the news.  So, I am getting this post up so I can send it out every time we have another "mass" shooting.

I am making this post after the good news for Democratic candidates across Virginia and other states in the November elections.  A Democratic candidate won running on a platform to end gun violence (after he had lost his girlfriend to gun violence) and, in doing so, defeated a candidate heavily supported by the NRA.  His story is here.

It also comes after segments on Morning Joe that discussed the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Heller that makes everyone feel so helpless.  Experts on the show said that reform can happen at the state level, even if our national legislators are too afraid of the NRA to act.  The segments ran the first week of November 2017: "Can Texas be a catalyst for change in [sic] reform?" and "Debating the Second Amendment and gun control."

I also recommend that you watch a very good segment with Chelsea Handler.  She interviews representatives from two reform groups shortly after the Vegas shooting.  They outlined paths to reform.  One representative suggested texting your federal legislator "Love Vegas" 877-877.  Handler was recently honored for her efforts to end gun violence.

As far as the listed groups, I have picked one of them and plan to make automatic monthly contributions.  I am committed to this reform.  I worked at a small law school that experienced gun violence.  Faculty and students were murdered or gravely injured.  These were preventable tragedies.

Note to the haters:  I curate all comments, so yours will never appear.   My blog.  My content.

The List:

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence

Everytown for Gun Safety

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

New Yorkers Against Gun Violence

Newtown Action Alliance

Violence Policy Center

Americans for Responsible Solutions with Gabby Gifford

States United to Prevent Violence

Stop Handgun Violence

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